Mountain Alliance-Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Mountain Alliance is a group of individuals that work closely with Watauga High School, in order to help make an impact on the youth of today.  As their modo states, Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow, Mountain Alliance works with Watauga county youth in order to help them better, or even discover, their leadership ability.

Mountain Alliance also excels at building relationships between the students that engage in it, something that has helped many make it through the hardships of high school.

“I feel like we could sit here for hours, and I could not tell you enough about how wonderful Mountain Alliance is,” says India, a former Mountain Alliance student.  “Mountain Alliance is not just a program for teens, it’s likeMountain Alliance Logo, home.”

Lucy Edy, another Mountain Alliance alum, ads to this idea.  “I think that one of the great things about Mountain Alliance is that it’s a place where people can try new things and, whether or not they feel comfortable with them, if they think they’re not very good at something, they have a whole support system of all the people in Mountain Alliance.”

“I think that Mountain Alliance kind of provides a place where you can’t really fail,” Edy added.

Mountain Alliance is celebrating over 25 years in existence, over 25 years of helping the youth of Watauga county serve their community, and also build relationships with their fellow classmates.  Co-founder Jerry Cantwell believes the outdoor activities offered by Mountain Alliance have made a huge difference.

“We started to realize that, being in the outdoors with them we found that, that was a neutralizing force if you will,” says Cantwell.  “That allowed for them to relax, and also enjoy themselves, and be with each other in a very respectful and beneficial way,” he added.

For more information, you can visit the Mountain Alliance website.  Mountain Alliance: Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow.